About us

New Nuclear Watch Institute
a London-based internationally
focused think-tank

NNWI is an industry supported think-tank, focused on the international development of nuclear energy as a means for governments to safeguard their country’s long-term sustainable energy needs. We strongly believe that nuclear power is without which the binding Paris Climate Agreement objectives cannot be achieved and is therefore an essential part of the global solution to the challenge of climate change.

We believe that the right way to secure widespread recognition of the benefits of nuclear energy is to encourage the widest possible and best-informed debate about energy and climate change. This debate should highlight the benefits of nuclear power and its far-reaching applications that go far wider than simply the provision of low carbon electricity to tackle climate change. They include decarbonising transport, heating and industrial applications while continuing bringing high value solutions in agriculture and medicine.

In pursuit of this goal NNWI organises a range of events in the UK, the EU and further afield. Some of these are invitation-only private round-table discussions with industry leaders, policy makers and opinion formers. On other occasions we speak out publicly at conferences, seminars and in the media.


NNWI’s aim is to secure widespread recognition of the beneficial contribution of nuclear power and its far-reaching applications that go beyond the provision of low-carbon electricity. We aim to achieve this by encouraging the widest possible and best-informed open debate about energy and climate change. Nuclear science and technology is crucial to get us effectively on the path towards a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.


Our vision is simply to secure clean, reliable, and affordable energy future for all. Preventing dangerous irreversible climate change requires a much bigger and faster response than anything previously achieved. A meaningful progress will, however, depend on the adoption of technology-neutral policies that do not discriminate against any form of low-carbon energy, including nuclear. Nuclear power is an essential part of the future energy mix and global solution to climate change.


Promote beneficial contributions of nuclear power and its far-reaching applications beyond energy
Support implementation of technology-neutral policies to encourage international development of nuclear power
Foster global collaboration and benefits of sustainable synergies between nuclear and renewables
Promote the important role of nuclear power in global decarbonisation efforts and clean energy transitions


Tim Yeo

Tim has a longstanding commitment to the nuclear energy industry dating back three decades to when he was Minister of State for the Environment with responsibility for climate change policy in the UK Government. He later served in the Shadow Cabinet as Shadow Secretary of State for Trade and Industry before being elected as chairman of the UK Parliament Energy and Climate Change Select Committee.

Tim is Chairman of ElecLink Limited, a subsidiary of Getlink SE, which owns and operates a 1GW electricity interconnector between France and Britain. He is a consultant and former Executive Chairman of Powerhouse Energy Group plc, a listed UK company developing technology to convert plastic waste into hydrogen. Tim is the Honorary Ambassador of Foreign Investment Promotion for South Korea and has worked in China on climate related projects including the design of China’s carbon trading markets and on carbon capture utilisation and storage with the UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Centre.

Tim Yeo

Director, Communication and Public Relations

Veronika Struharova

Veronika works as an Executive Director for the New Nuclear Watch Institute, a London-based think tank. She is responsible for leading strategic planning and communicating the NNWI’s direction in a way that connects ongoing and future work back to strategic objectives, while focusing on international recognition of the role of nuclear power in dealing with climate change and as an essential part of the future energy mix. She is motivated to advocate for a clean energy future and believes nuclear energy should be endorsed as an essential part of the world’s answer to climate change.

She has been actively involved in several initiatives to promote gender equality within the nuclear industry and has been strongly committed to the strengthening of the participation of women in the nuclear sector. She is active member of the Women in Nuclear UK and Women in Nuclear Global Young Generation.

Icon Aim

This may be a last chance for the world to seize the moment, unite, and show unquestioning enthusiasm about a clean, sustainable, and low-carbon future for all.

Tim Yeo

Chairman, Central Asia Advisory Board

Baurzhan Ibrayev

Baurzhan has gained a practical experience in scientific and nuclear industry from various researcher roles in experimental physics up to passing training from the IAEA at Berlin Neutron Research Center (operation of BER-2 reactor). He earned a professor degree in the field of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and has been elected as an Academician of the National Academy of Natural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since 2001, Baurzhan was leading the subsidiaries of KazAtomProm JSC - national uranium operator and largest uranium producer in the world. His last position was Chief Production and Nuclear Fuel Cycle Officer and first Deputy CEO until his retirement in 2021.

Baurzhan is a valued member of the nuclear industry - he was awarded the RoK President’s Recognition Letter, Order of Honour and medals at the 10th Anniversary of Kazakhstan Constitution and For Valorous Labor.

Tim Yeo

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NNWI aims to enhance international dialogue focused on strengthening the nuclear energy's role in future energy mix and highlight leading views on key matters bringing nuclear to the forefront in combating climate change. We provide an excellent forum for promoting dialogue and an opportunity to debate clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and investment in energy infrastructure. Our supporters network represents the global nuclear industry and offers the opportunity to listen to and debate with high-profile leaders and other government, industry and academia professionals.

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